Meditation Classes
It is widely understood that meditation brings about many benefits to our lives. It gives us the ability to release tension, connect to spirit and find peace, love, forgiveness and health.
However, for many; meditation is difficult, so my techniques are easy for that reason. I offer two ways of becoming comfortable with meditating.
In My Chakras - Discover Your Potential workshop I provide a couple of quick meditation techniques that you can use on the run. They take only five to ten minutes to visualise and clear your head and emotions. I use these visualisations on a regular basis for myself and my clients.
However, my most popular offering is membership into a fortnightly healing meditation channelled live on Facebook but can be replayed at any time. The meditations go for around 45 minutes.

These guided visualisations provide an incredible shift to your life by providing deep mental, emotional and spiritual healing and you don't have to do a thing. Just follow the visualisation that I channel and allow the healing energy to come to you.
Essentially get the benefit of a $90 energetic healing for $10 and access to previous meditations at any time while you are in this group.
Membership is $20 per month or $200 for a year.
Contact info@soulintent.com.au to register your interest and get the link to the private Facebook group.